אהיה אשר אהיה, אבני החושן, שנים עשר השבטים, אמנות יהודית

“God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you”

(Exodus, chapter 3, verse 10)
אהיה אשר אהיה, אבני החושן, שנים עשר השבטים, אמנות יהודית

Upon entry into the promised land, order and organization were required. Identity and essence. The individual within the camp, and all the camps together, named the Children of Israel. Throguh the symbols, stones, colors, letters and names. Everyone felt signifiance. None envied the camp of their neighbors. They only desired to realize their purpose. The tools the creator placed before them to strengthen and realize their unity are presented heres as well – a moment from another time.

And know that it is written in the book of nature’s wisdom that all precious gems are contained in the dozen prime stones that are the progenitors of all other stones (Rabeinu Behaii, Tezaveh Portion)

(Rabeinu Behaii, Tezaveh Portion)
אבני החושן, שנים עשר השבטים, אהיה אשר אהיה, אמנות יהודית

What is the Hoshen?
The stones of the Breastplate

Hoshen – the Hoshen of Law is one of the eight garbs of the High Priest. The Hoshen was the shape of a square with equal sides. A fabric woven of golden, cerulean and scarlet threads, the Kermes Worm. On the fabric, 12 stones were set within golden squares. Great significance was attributed to the selection of the Hoshen Gemstones and they were selected in accordance to their properties and colors. Precision and wisdom which was associated with cause to match each of the twelve tribed.

The Twelve Tribes, the banners and the symbols

The idea of the banners to which the Children of Israel were first exposed to at Mount Sinai, where they saw the angels bearing such banners, and envying the angels wished for such banners as wee.
These ancient banners were woven out of pieces of cloth dyed in the tribal colors, on which its symbol was embroidered.
The tribal symbol was determined in accordance to the event or blessing made by the Patriarch Jacob.

he Israelites are to set up their tents by divisions, each of them in their own camp under their standard.

(Numbers 1, 52)
אהיה אשר אהיה, אבני החושן, שנים עשר השבטים, אמנות יהודית

The embroidery of the unity of the People of Israel