אהיה אשר אהיה, אבני החושן, שנים עשר השבטים, אמנות יהודית
אהיה אשר אהיה, אבני החושן, שנים עשר השבטים, אמנות יהודית

Hoshen stones

You shall make a breastpiece of judgment, the work of a skillful workman; like the work of the ephod you shall make it: of gold, of blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen you shall make it

(Exodus 28, 15)

“And you shell make a Hoshen of judgment, a deed of the Hoshev, and you shall make it gold, blue, and crimson, and scale worm, and six interlacing.”

Hoshen – the Hoshen of law, is one of the eight garbs of the High Priest.
The Hoshen was the shape of an equilateral square.
A fabric woven from golden, blue and purple threads, scarlet material.
On the fabric 12 gemstones were set within gold frames.

A vast significance was attributed to the selection of the Hoshen stones.
The gemstones with the greatest material value were the Yahalom and the Odem. Sapir and Barket. Alhama and Ophal.
All the other stones are inferior to these in this regard, which makes the reason for their selection clear.
It is their qualities and energetic power which are the main thing. Each alone and all together represent the unity of the Children of Israel.
Different in essence, all work together for a single identity.
Every individual has his special gemstone, which will strengthen him in the realization of his destiny.

The stones were organized in four columns and were marked with the name of the tribes – one tribe for each stone.
The Hoshen was also inscribed with the words Abraham, Isaac, Tribes of Yeshurun (People of Israel), containing all 22 Hebrew Letters, so that the Hoshen fulfill its oracular, Urim and Thumim, role.
“The ruby was inscribed with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Reuven, the topaz was inscribed with the name of Simon, and the Jasper was inscribed with the words “Benjamin, tribes of Yeshurun”.
It was by the power of these names, that the letters would be illuminated from the gemstones of the Hoshen into the eyes of the priest seeking their oracle.
The Hoshen stones and their names were ever kept to the breast of the High Priest.

In this way all the Tribes of Israel and the Creator would remember and know that they were in his heart.
The Urim and Thumim make the Hoshen into the Hoshen of Law.
the connection and communication between the High Priest and the creator.

“Whenever Aaron enters the Holy Place, he will bear the names of the sons of Israel over his heart on the breastpiece of decision as a continuing memorial before the Lord. Also put the Urim and the Thummim in the breastpiece, so they may be over Aaron’s heart whenever he enters the presence of the Lord. Thus Aaron will always bear the means of making decisions for the Israelites over his heart before the Lord.

Reauven - Odem gemstone

Conemporary gemstones attributed to Odem are: Ruby, Carnelian , Sard

“Reuven was granted the Odem (red), since his face reddened in the sin of Bilha when he switched her bedding by his father and admitted to this”
and this stone is called Rubin and grows in the sea, and is absolutely red and by the translation of Onculus blushing and hence called Odem, for its appearances are as red of blood. And its property is that any woman carrying it will never miscarry, and should it be ground down to dust and mixed with food and drink it will greatly aid the pregnancy like onto the mandrake plants found by Reuven, plants in the shape of the man (Adam). Hence they are called Odem, and hence is Reuven associated with Odem.

אבני החושן, אהיה אשר אהיה, אמנות יהודית
אבני החושן, אהיה אשר אהיה, אמנות יהודית

Simon - Pit'dah gemstone

Contemporary gemstones associated with Pit’dah are: Topaz – Carnelian, Carniol – Sarad

Simon is associated with Topaz, and it is green as a courgette and by the translation of Oncolus is called Prashma. It is linked with Simon, as the faces of Zimri and all of the Tribe of Simon who have sinned in the sin of Moab have turned green. Of the sages of blessed memory state it is a sign of the hydrous disease. Its virtue is that it cools the body. Hence it is found in the land of Kush, whose inhabitants are of heated blood and overtaken by lust and require the gemstone to cool down, and hence are attributed to the Pit’dah of Kush.

Levi - Barket

Contemporay stones associated with Barket – Emerald – garnate/agate – spinal

Levi is associated with Bareket, which is called so as it glitters as lightning and illuminates like a cangle, and Onkolus translates it as Barkan. And it is called Ekdach, for it is said: and your gates to Ekdach stones, for it is as feverish (kadaht in Hebrew) as an ember and it is from the title Fiery borers (Kodhim) and was granted to the Levi, for the Tribe of Levi were radiant in the Torah, as it is said: your laws will guide you. And Moses, who was of the tribe of Levi, when he was born his home was filled with light, and his face was radiant as well, as it is said: the wisdom of man will illuminate his face. And its virtue is that it makes the fool wise and illuminates what is hidden, beyond its use as a candle, and it is said that should it be ground down into dust and mixed with food and drink, it will do much to make the heart wise and open.”

אבני החושן, אהיה אשר אהיה, אמנות יהודית

Judah - Nofekh

Contemporary gemstones associated with Nofekh are: Emerald – Beryl – Turqoise

Judah is associated with nofekh, called Merakdi and in Arabic Zemora, and in the translation of both languages Izmargedin. It is green as a courgette for how his face turned green in the affair of Tamar, and having ovrcome the evil urge and confessed, and his face also turned green when the father of Joseph grew suspicious upon hi report that Joseph had been eaten by a wild best. And when he blessed his sons he told him ‘Crouches like a Lion” and then his face grew clear and bright like the Nofekh which shines. And as it is written that the hand of Judah is at the neck of his enemies, the enemies of anyone who bears this stone, shall turn the back of their neck (Oref) to him, and hence it is called Nofekh.

Issaschar - Sapir

Contemporary gemstones associated with Sapir are: Lapis Lazulai

Isaschar is associated with Sapir, which is of cerulean hue, as the tribe of Issaschar were renowned for their wisdom of the Torah and it is said: “And the sons of Issaschar are sometims knowers of wisdom, and the tables of the Torah were engraved on Snapirionon, and

אבני החושן, אהיה אשר אהיה, אמנות יהודית

Zebulon - Yahalom

Contmporary gemstones associated with the Yahalom: Quartz

Zebulon is associated with Yahalom, which is white, as silver is white and is a symbol of Zebulon’s wealt, for it has been said: “Zebulon is a seashore dweller” and its virtue is that it brings sleep upon man for it is said “This time my husband shall dwell (Yezableni) with me.”

Dan - Lesem gemstone

Contemporary stones associated with Lesem are: Amber – Tourmaline -Citrine

Dan is associated with Lesem, called Atopsi, and which display the upside on face of a man, since Dan overturned the bowl and made Lesem a symbom in the statue of Micah. And as is written in the Bookof Joshua, in the division of the Land of israel, Leshem was called Dan, as the name of Dan their forefather, which is a city in the Land of Israel.

אבני החושן, אהיה אשר אהיה, אמנות יהודית
אבני החושן, אהיה אשר אהיה, אמנות יהודית

Naphtali - Ševo Gemstone

Contemporary stones associated with Ševo are : Gray Agate Amethyst

Naphtali – is associated with Ševo, called Turqouisa, and the Persians always carry it. Its virtue is that it puts the man in the saddle and brings him success in all things riding for all his days and hence it is called Ševo (sit, in Hebrew), for it connects him to the horse. Granted to Naphtali, for Naphtali is coiled and twisted (Niphtalti) by God

Gad - Aḥlamah gemstone

Contemporary gemstons associated with Aḥlamah toay are: Amethyst

Gad is associated with Aḥlamah which is commonplace and held by many men, and all know it, and likewise the Tribe of Gad were plentiful, and their slain well known as it is said “Prey to arms” and so forth. And its virtue is that it girds the heart to war, banishing fear, and it is called Aḥlamah to represent strength for it is said “cure (ve-Tahlimeni) and revive me”

אבני החושן, אהיה אשר אהיה, אמנות יהודית
אבני החושן, אהיה אשר אהיה, אמנות יהודית

Asher - Tarsis

Contemporary gemstones ssociated with Tarshish are: Chrysolite Aquamarine

Tarshish is the hue of oil and its virtue is the digestion of food, and should it be ground down and mixed in one’s food, one becomes thick and fat for it is said Asher’s bread is fatty

Joseph - Šoham

Conteporary gemstones associated with Šoham are: black agate – black onyx Cat’s eye

Joseph is associated with Šoham, whose virtue is to make one fair to all who see him, ajust as Joseph himself was succesful and fair to all who saw him. He who carries the stone in the palace will gain a ready ear to his counsel.

אבני החושן, אהיה אשר אהיה, אמנות יהודית
אבני החושן, אהיה אשר אהיה, אמנות יהודית

Benjamin - Yāšǝfêh gemstone

Cntemporry gemstones attributed to Yāšǝfêh are: Beryl – Heliodor – Olivin – pearl – opal

Benjamin is associated with Yāšǝfêh, which includes many hues of black-green earth. It’s virtue is in stopping the blood and was given to Benjamin as his heart changed to many diffeent hues, and he was torn in his houghts between telling his faher about it or not, and nontheless overcame his urge and held his spirit and his tongue, and told not his father, as if he held his blood. Yāšǝfêh is two words, and its virtue that although he had a mouth to reveal all, “he held silent and said nothing” (according to the words of Rabeinu Bachai)